Банк России будет тестировать цифровой рубль в течение 2022 года - Bits Media

The Bank of Russia will test the digital ruble during 2022 of the year – Bits Media

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation will begin testing the digital ruble in 2022 year. Based on the testing results, a decision will be made to continue the project.

According to publication
TASS with reference to the first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Olga Skorobogatova, Central Bank will allocate for

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Граждане РФ начали декларировать доход от операций с криптоактивами - Bits Media

Citizens of the Russian Federation began to declare income from operations with cryptoassets – Bits Media

Large consulting and legal companies have recorded an increase in the submission by Russians of reporting income from cryptocurrency transactions. According to experts, это связано с ужесточением регулирования.

Согласно публикации «Известий» со ссылкой на данные компаний

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В России создана платформа для общественного обсуждения регулирования криптовалют и цифровых активов - Bits Media

A platform for public discussion of the regulation of cryptocurrencies and digital assets has been created in Russia – Bits Media

Commission on Blockchain Technologies and Digital Economy under the public organization "Investment Russia", Юридическая фирма Digital Rights Center и «РосКомСвобода» запускают общественную кампанию с требованием не допустить принятия законов, препятствующих обороту

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ФНС России не будет изменять законопроект о поправках в Налоговый кодекс о декларировании доходов в криптовалютах - Bits Media

The Federal Tax Service of Russia will not change the draft law on amendments to the Tax Code on the declaration of income in cryptocurrencies – Bits Media

Changes to the Tax Code suggest obliging citizens to declare transactions with cryptocurrencies. The Federal Tax Service is not going to change this paragraph of the bill even after criticism of experts.

FROM 1 january 2021 year in Russia came into force the Law on Digital Assets (CFA), in which the right is spelled out (but not a duty!) citizens declare transactions with such assets. In February of this year, the State Duma adopted the bill in the first reading, regulating the taxation of income from operations with cryptocurrencies. The document received negative assessments from experts, however, the department does not plan to soften its position. In fact, after the adoption of the bill, the Ministry of Finance will have the opportunity to establish fines or criminal liability for failure to provide information about transactions with cryptocurrencies.

“The Tax Code of the Russian Federation should provide exactly the procedure for informing. The draft federal law establishes such a procedure and does not interfere with voluntary reporting.. therefore, despite the fact that the bill was not developed in pursuance of Law 259-FZ, it fully complies with the provisions… and does not contradict him ", - said in the letter of the Federal Tax Service to the ANO Digital Economy.

As noted by the teacher of Moscow Digital School Dmitry Kirillov, In fact, the Federal Tax Service "replaces" the citizen's right to inform the tax authority about transactions with cryptocurrencies established by the law on the CFA with "the right to report the receipt of the right to cryptocurrency, submit reports on transactions with cryptocurrency and its balances ", which is tantamount to duty. And this directly contradicts the law on the CFA, thinks Kirillov

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